
For List of CRUSADA / C-SALUD Brown Bag Lecture Presentations Click here

Below is a list of upcoming and past presentations made by CRUSADA Faculty, Staff, Post-Doctoral Scholars, and Student Scholars in Health Disparities.

Upcoming Presentations


2016 – April

    • Diez, S. L, & De La Rosa, M. (2016, April). Psychosocial interventions to treat Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder among adolescents: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation, Latino Social Work Organization Conference, New York, NY.

2016 – May

    • Kanamori, M., Weissman, J., De La Rosa, M., Melton, J., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., & Trepka, M. J. (2016, May). Mothers’ Perception of Childhood Marijuana Use in the Seasonal Farm Worker Community. The Society for Prevention Research 24th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
    • Trepka, M. J., Mukherjee, S., Fennie, K. P., Sheehan, D. M., Maddox, L. M., & Poschman, K. (2016, May). Retention in care and viral suppression among homeless people diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus infection, 2004–2013, Florida. Submitted to Adherence 2016, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

2016 – June

    • Bhoite, P., Cyrus, E., Madhivnan P, Leon S, Lama J, Sanchez J, Altice F. Prevalence of Illicit Drug Use, Alcohol Use, and Depression among Female Prisoners in Lima, Perú. (2016, June). Epidemiology Congress of Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Cano, M. A., Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M., Kanamori, M., Trepka, M. J., Sheehan, D. M., Huang, H., Rojas, P., Auf, R., & Dillon, F. R. (2016, June). Immigration stress and alcohol use among recent adult Hispanic immigrants: Testing the moderating effects of gender and immigration status. Paper to be presented at the Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Cyrus, E., Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Sanchez, M., Fennie, K., Cameron, M., & Maddox, L. (2016, June). Delayed diagnosis of HIV among non-Latino black West Indian immigrants in Florida 2000-2014. 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Miami, FL.
    • Dawson, C.T., Cyrus, E., Dillon, F. R., Trepka, M.J., & De La Rosa, M. (2016, June). Changes in perceived collective efficacy among Latina immigrants: implications for HIV risk? Poster presentation at the Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Kanamori, M., Weissman, J., De La Rosa, M., Melton, J., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., & Trepka, M. J. (2016, June). The associations between drug/alcohol use and emotional abuse: Who perpetrates emotional abuse against Latina women? 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Mauck, D., Sheehan, D. M., Maddox, L. M., Fennie, K., & Trepka, M. J. (2016, June). Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Linkage to HIV Care, Florida, 2014. 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Li, T., Ravelo, G., & De La Rosa, D. (2016, June). Cultural considerations for HIV risk reduction interventions among Latina immigrants in the farmworker community. Poster to be presentation at the 9th annual International Women’s and Children’s Health and Gender (InWomen’s) Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
    • Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Prado, G., Ibanez, G., & Maddox L. (2016, June). Racial/ethnic disparities in delayed HIV diagnosis among men who have sex with men, Florida, 2000—2014. 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.
    • Trepka, M. J., Mukherjee, S., Maddox, L., Beck-Sague, C., Fennie, K., Sheehan, D., Prabhakar, M., Lieb, S., & Thompson, D. (2016, June). Missed HIV diagnosis during pregnancy and perinatal transmission, Florida, 2007—2014. 2016 Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, Miami, FL.

2016 – July

    • Rojas, P., Wang, W., Li, T., De La Rosa, M., & Sanchez, M. (2016, July) Social and cultural correlates of sexual risk behavior trajectories among drug using Latina Immigrants. Oral presentation at the 2016 International Sociological Association Forum, The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, Vienna, Austria.

2016 – August

  • Dillon, F. R., Johnson, S., Ebersole, R., Verile, M., Roberts, S., Fisher, N., Florentin, D., Gonzalez, S., & Wilson, L. (2016, August). Sociocultural and structural realities of Latino MSM with unknown or HIV-negative serostatus. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association convention, Denver, CO.
  • Dillon, F. R. (2016, August). Factors Influencing Health Disparities in Alcohol Problems Among Ethnic Minority Groups. Panel presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
  • Dillon, F. R. (2016, August). Being Healthy in Our Own Skin—Sometimes It’s Healthier Not to Assimilate. Panel presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
  • Ertl, M. M., Dillon, F. R., & De La Rosa, M. R. (2016, August). Acculturative stress of young adult Latina recent immigrants: The moderating effect of alcohol use. Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Past Presentations

  • Cyrus, E., Sanchez, M., Lama, J., Sanchez, J., Altice, F., Madhivanan, P. (2016, March). Correlates of Physical and Sexual Interpersonal Violence (IPV) among Female Prisoners in Lima, Perú. Oral presentation at Women’s Health in Global Perspective Conference, Arlington, VA.
  • Diez, S. L., Macgowan, M. J., & Granda, N. (2016, March). Problematic Video Game use in a U.S. Sample of Children and Youth: An Empirical Examination. Oral Presentation, Graduate Student Appreciation Week Scholarly Forum, Florida International University, Miami, FL.
  • Ganapati, N. E., Kroll, A., Awasthi, P., & Remington, C. (2016, March). Gendered Experiences of Emotional Labor in Disaster Contexts: Lessons from the Haiti Earthquake. American Society for Public Administration Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Remington, C. (2016, March). Cultural Competence Training and Program Effectiveness after the 2010 Haitian Earthquake. American Society for Public Administration Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Rojas, P., Li, T., Wang, W., Ravelo, G., Sanchez, M., Dawson, C., Kanamori, M., Sneij, A., & De La Rosa, M. (2016, March). Correlates of Cervical Cancer Screening among Adult Latina Mothers and Daughters. Presented at Women’s Health in Global Perspective Conference, Arlington, VA.
  • Rojas, P. (2016, March). Violencia Domestica: Una epidemia que no Discrimina. Oficina para Asuntos de la Mujer. Provincia Hermanas Mirabal, Dominican Republic.
  • Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Li, T., Ravelo, G., Cyrus, E., Wang, W., Kanamori, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2016, March). Evaluating a culturally tailored HIV risk reduction intervention among Latina immigrant farmworkers. Presented at Women’s Health in Global Perspective Conference, Arlington, VA.
  • Sneij, A., Alabdullah, G., & Bastida E. (2016, March). Fast-Paced Society: Influence of Societal Structure on Eating Habits and Physical Activities. Poster Presentation, Graduate Student Appreciation Week Scholarly Forum, Florida International University, Miami, FL.
  • Weissman, J., Huwaikem, M., Agosto, Y., & Bastida, B. (2016, March). Physical Activity Engagement and Barriers: A Qualitative Study of Undergraduate College Students. Oral Presentation, Graduate Student Appreciation Week Scholarly Forum, Florida International University, Miami, FL.
  • Diez, S. L., Macgowan, M. J, & Granda, N. (2016, January 17). Problematic Video Game use in a Sample of Children and Youth: An Empirical Examination. Poster Presentation, Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference, Washington, DC
  • Huang, H. & Ryan, J. P. (2016, January). Does geography matter? Neighborhood change and juvenile delinquency among foster youth. Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference, Washington DC.
  • Dawson, C., Ibanez, G., & Madhivanan, P. (2015, November). In our culture the communication between mother and daughter is very important”: A mother-daughter intervention for the prevention of cervical cancer among Latinas. Oral Presentation, 16th Annual Women, Sexuality, and Gender Studies Association Conference, Miami, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M., Huang, H., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Lopez-Quintero, C., Li, T., & Ravelo, G. J (2015, October). Influence of Mother–Daughter Attachment on Substance Use: A Longitudinal Study of a Latina Community-Based Sample. Panel presentation at George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health. Regional Latino Health Disparities Conference: Breaking Down Structural Barriers to Latino Health Equity, Washington DC.
  • De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., Ravelo, G. & Romano, E. (2015, October). CRUSADA: A Multi-Disciplinary Research, Education, and Community Outreach Center Dedicated to Eliminating Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS Related Health Disparities among Latinos in the U.S. George Washington University Avance Center. 2015 Regional Latino Health Disparities Conference. Washington D.C.
  • Weissman, J., & Darrow, W. (2015, October). First Ebola Diagnosis in the United States: Major Confidentiality Concerns. oster Presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL.
  • Weissman, J., Preston, S., Sebekos, E., Latorre, W., Alsaif, B., Krupp, K., & Darrow, W. (2015, October). Psychological health and academic success in college students: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study. Poster Presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Exposition, Chicago, IL.
  • Dillon, F. R., Alessi, E. J., Craig, S. L., Ebersole, R. C.; Kumar, S.M.; & Spadola, C. E.(2015, August). Developing the Lesbian. Gay, and Bisexual Counseling Self-efficacy Inventory-Short Form (LGB-CSI-SF).American Psychological Association 2015 Convention. Toronto, Canada.
  • Weissman, J., Latorre, W., Preston, S., Alsaif, B., Krupp, K., Sebekos, E., & Darrow. W. (2015, August). Significant Associations Between Health and Academic Success in College Students: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study. Poster presentation at Florida Public Health Association (FPHA) Annual Educational Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Weissman, J., Jaramillo, M., Santos, M. C., Babino, R., Rojas, P., Cardwell, P., & Rojas, J. (2015, June). US Latina seasonal farm workers: a qualitative study of their social network and its impact on substance abuse. The 2015 Sunbelt XXXV INSNA Conference in Brighton, UK . (Oral).
  • Ravelo, G. J., Kanamori, M., Rojas, G. J., & De La Rosa, M. (2015, June). Longitudinal analysis of changes in living arrangements and health related behaviors among older Latina women. Poster presented at the 2015 National Hispanic Science Network Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M., & Romano, E. (2015, June). Sociocultural differences in drinking and driving risk perception among recent Latino immigrants in South Florida. Presented at the National Hispanic Science Network International Conference. San Antonio, TX.
  • Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Prado, G., & Maddox, L. (2015, June). Causes of death among HIV-positive Latinos with a history of injection drug use, Florida, 2000 – 2011. 2015 National Hispanic Science Network International Conference. San Antonio, TX.
  • Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Prado, G., Madhivanan, P., Dillon, F. R., & Maddox, L. M. (2015, June). Individual and neighborhood determinants of late HIV diagnosis among Latinos with a history of injection drug use, Florida, 2000-2011. Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting. Denver, CO.
  • Spadola, C. E., Wagner, E. F., Accornero, V. H., Padilla, M., Cuesta, M., de la Cruz-Munoz, N., & Messiah, S. E. (2015, June). Changes in alcohol use behaviors following weight loss surgery among young adults in Miami, FL: A content analysis. 38th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting. San Antonio, Texas.
  • De La Rosa, Huang, H., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Lopez-Quintero, C., & Tan, L. (2015, April). Influence of Mother-Daughter Attachment on Substance Use: A Longitudinal Study of a Latina. Urban Affairs Association National Conference. Miami, FL. (Oral Presentation).
  • Dillon, F. R., Sheehan, D. M., Babino, R., Melton, J., Spadola, C., & De La Rosa M. (2015, April). Facilitating the Recruitment and Assessment of Young Adult Latina Women Who Recently Immigrated to the United States [Panel presentation]. 2015 Urban Affairs Conference. Miami, FL (panel to be presented by Dillon)
  • Kanamori, M., Jaramillo, M., Melton, J., & Santos, M. C. (2015, April). Using Social Networks To Reduce HIV In Latina Migrant Workers. 45th Annual Urban Affairs Association Conference. Miami, FL. (Oral presentation by Kanamori, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow).
  • Melton, J.(2015, April). HIV Identity: A Perspective of Intersectionality among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men. Boston College Summer Colloquium 2015: Social, Economic, and Environmental Equity. Boston, MA.
  • Rojas, P, Lopez-Quintero, C., Sastre, F., Melton, J., & De La Rosa, M. (2015, April). Exploring the HIV/AIDS needs of a South Florida Latino Community. Urban Affairs Association National Conference. Miami, FL. (Oral presentation).
  • Sheehan, D. M. (presenter), Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Maddox, L. M. (2015, April). Neighborhood characteristics and cause of death among HIV-positive Latinos, Florida, 2000-2011. 2015 Urban Affairs Conference. Miami, FL.
  • Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., Kanamori, M., Rojas, P., & De La Rosa, M. (2015, April). Understanding the twin epidemics of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS affecting Latinos. Oral panel presentation at the Urban Affairs Association Conference. Miami, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M., & Sanchez, M. (2015, March). Sociocultural determinants of alcohol use among Latino immigrants. Poster presented at Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy Eighth Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.
  • Sneij, A., Campa, A., Veledar, E., Martinez, S. S., Li, Y., & Baum, M. (2015, March). Higher HIV Viral Load in HIV Patients with Hyperglycemia in Miami, Florida. Circulation. American Heart Association Conference; Baltimore, MD.
  • Huang, H., Zhang, S., & Li, X. (2015, January). A land with no child welfare system: Content analysis of child maltreatment media reports in China. SSWR 19th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
  • Park, K., Ryan, J. P., & Huang, H. (2015, January). Screening for substance abuse in child welfare: Timing matters. SSWR 19th Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
  • Dillon, F. R., Sheehan, D. M., Babino, R., Melton, J., Spadola, C., & De La Rosa M. (2014, December). Recruiting and Assessing Recently Immigrated Latina Young Adults. 2014 Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantee’s Conference. National Harbor, MD (poster presented by Dillon).
  • Kanamori, M., Jaramillo, M., Babino, R., Salgado, C., Salgado, R., Rojas, P., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). Social Networks to Reduce HIV in Latina Migrant Workers. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Kanamori, M., Rojas, P., Ravelo, G. J., Jaramillo, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). Latino Dyadic Mother/Daughter Attachment; Emotional Abuse and Drug Use. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Kanamori, M., & Pullum, T. (2014, December). Geographic & Gender Disparities in African Child Deprivation. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Kanamori, M., & Pullum, T. (2014, December). Impact of Household Sex/Age on Child Deprivation in Africa. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Lopez-Quintero, C., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Varga, L., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). Predictors of HIV Testing Among At-Risk Latino Women. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC.
  • Lopez-Quintero, C., Trepka, M. J., Dillon, F. R., Rojas, P., Sheehan, D. M., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). HIV testing among at-risk adults in the US: 2006-2010 NHIS. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Ravelo, G. J., Kanamori, M., Rojas, P., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). Associations Between Living Arrangements and Health Behaviors among Older Latina Women. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Rojas, P., Lopez-Quintero, C., Sastre, F., Melton, J., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, December). Exploring HIV/AIDS Needs of a South Florida Latino Community. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M., Dillon, F. R., Rojas, P., Li, T., & Sastre, F. (2014, December). Pre- to Post-Immigration Alcohol Use and HIV-Risk Behaviors Among Recent Latino Immigrants. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Sheehan, D.M., Trepka, M. J, Fennie, K. P., Dillon, F. R., Madhivanan, P., Maddox, L. M. (2014, December). Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Mortality Among HIV-Positive Latinos. Poster presentation at the Minority Health & Health Disparities Grantees Conference. Washington, DC. View Poster
  • Huang, H., & Liu, M. (2014, October). Meta-analysis of substance abuse treatment intervention on child welfare outcomes. Paper presented at the 2014 Annual Program Meeting of Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.
  • Lopez-Quintero, C. (2014, June). Substance-use and HIV/AIDS in the Latino Population. The IRTI Scientific Conference. Miami, FL.
  • Lopez-Quintero, C., & De La Rosa, M. (2014, June). Effects of Immigration To The United States On Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Use Among Colombian Adolescents. 2014 NIDA international Forum. Puerto Rico.
  • Lopez-Quintero C, & De La Rosa, M. (2014, June). Effects of Immigration To The United States On Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Use Among Colombian Adolescents. 2014 CPDD Scientific Meeting in Poster Session III. Puerto Rico.
  • Spadola, C. E., Wagner, E. F., Dillon, F.R., De La Rosa, M., Accornero, V. H., Pulgaron, E., Vidot, D., de la Cruz-Munoz, N., Messiah, S. E. (2014, June). Prevalence of Post-Operative Alcohol Use, Depression, and Anxiety Among Young Adult Bariatric Surgery Patients. Poster presentation at the Research Society on Alcoholism 37th Annual Scientific Meeting. Bellevue, WA.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2014, April). Changes in Pre- to Post-Immigration Substance Use and HIV Risk Behavior among Cuban, South American, and Central American Recent Latino Immigrants in Miami-Dade County. The Public Health of Cubans and Cuban Americans: A Symposium, Cuban Research Institute. Miami, FL.
  • Rojas, P., Wang, W., Ravelo, G. J., Li, T. (2014, April). Correlates of Health Behaviors Among Adult Latina Mothers and Daughters. Poster Presentation at the 2014 Latina Researchers Network Conference: Increasing the Pipeline for Future Scholars. New York City, NY.
  • Remington, C. L., & Ganapati, N. E. (2014, April). Public service in the rubble of Haiti. American Society for Public Administration–Florida Chapter–2014 Best Practices Conference. Miami, FL.
  • Remington, C. L., & Ganapati, N. E. (2014, March). Emotional Labor: Putting It into Practice in Disaster Response and Recovery Organizations. American Society for Public Administration 2014 Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
  • Alessi, E. J., & Dillon, F. R., & Kim, H. M. (2014, January). Determinants of gay affirmative practice among mental health practitioners. January 2014. Oral presentation to presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work Research. San Antonio, TX.
  • Dillon, F. R. (2014, January). Measurement invariance in social work research. Poster presentation presented at annual meeting of the Society for Social Work Research. San Antonio, TX.
  • Cyrus, E., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., & De La Rosa, M. (2013, November). Poster Title: Immigration, Condom Use, and Social Capital Among Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida: A Longitudinal Study; Poster Session: Alcohol, Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Latino Communities. Poster Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Cyrus, E., Trepka, M. J., Li, T., De La Rosa, M., Gollub, E., Fennie, K. P., & Rojas, P. (2013, November). Substance Use and Social Capital among Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida; Poster Session: Social and Behavioral Epidemiology. Poster Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Dillon, F. R., & Fortuna, K. (2013, November). Impact of Religious Coping on the Acculturative Stress and Alcohol Use of Recent Latino Immigrants; Session Title: Statistical Methods in Health Disparities. Oral Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Felizzola, J., Rajabiun, S., Sastre, F., McKinney, S., & Pernia E. (2013, November). Latino Southern REACH Project: Lessons learned from community based participatory research (CBPR) to assess HIV/AIDS needs expressed within human rights framework; Poster Session: Lessons Learned from Community-Based Participatory Research Projects. Poster Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Pelletier, V., Sheehan, D., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., & Maddox, L. (2013, November). Disparities in AIDS survival among US-born and foreign-born non-hispanic black Florida residents, 1996-2004; Poster Session: Social/Behavior Epidemiology and Epidemiology of Health Disparities. Poster Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Rojas, P., Fortuna, K., Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M., & Rubio Rivera, S. (2013, November). Addressing Health Disparities among Latinos: Innovative Academic-community Partnerships; Session Title: Innovations in research, interventions, and workforce training with Latino populations. Roundtable Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., Concha, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2013, November). Measurement Equivalence of Short Inventory of Problems-revised Across Drug Abusing Adult Outpatient Racial Groups; Session Title: The role of contextual and cultural factors on substance use, violence, and sexual risks. Oral Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Sheehan, D., Pelletier, V., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., & Maddox, L. (2013, November). AIDS survival among Latinos: Disparities by country/region of birth; Poster Session: Alcohol, Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Latino communities. Poster Presentation at the 141st American Public Health Association Conference, Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices around the World. Boston, MA.
  • Rojas, P., Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M. (2013, August-September). Correlates of Non-prescribed Sedative Use Among Latino Women in the U.S.: A Five Year Follow-up. Oral presentation at the International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference. International Sociological Association (ISA) side meeting. Busan, South Korea.
  • De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., & Rojas, P. (2013, August-September). Changes in Pre- to Post-Immigration HIV Risk Behavior Among Recent Latino Immigrants. Oral presentation at the International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference. International Sociological Association (ISA) side meeting. Busan, South Korea.
  • Lee, Janet. (2013, June). Gender-based differences in selected functional outcomes among Prosthesis Users who underwent lower extremity amputations because of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. APTA Annual conference. Salt lake city, UT.
  • Stevens, M., & Acuna, J. (2013, June 14-15).Mental health impact of January 2010 earthquake in a Haitian population – A random-sample survey. Poster presentation at The People’s Scientific Conference to Promote Health and Eliminate Health Disparities at the University of Florida. Gainesville, FL.
  • Stevens, M. & Acuna, J. (2013, June 14-15). Prevalence of Chronic Diseases among Haitians in Miami-Dade County. Poster presentation at The People’s Scientific Conference to Promote Health and Eliminate Health Disparities at the University of Florida. Gainesville, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2013, May). Pre- and Post-Immigration HIV Risky Behaviors Among Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida. Presentation at the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Center for AIDS Intervention Research Biannual Conference: Fronteras y Barreras – Addressing Latino Immigrant Experiences of Health, Healthcare, and HIV Services in the United States. Milwaukee, WI.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Sanchez, M., Li, T., & Cyrus, E. (2013, March). Determinants of Non-medical Prescription Sedative Use Among Latina Women. Poster presented at Xavier University of Louisiana, College of Pharmacy’s Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education (CMHDRE), Sixth Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.
  • Ravelo, G. J., Rojas, P., Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., & De La Rosa, M. (2013, March). Provider Interaction and HIV Screening among Middle Age & Older Latinas. Poster presented at the 2013 New England Science Symposium, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
  • Remington, C., Ganapati, N. E. , & Newman, M. (2013, March). Emotional Labor in Haiti: Perspectives from International Agencies. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Conference, New Orleans.
  • Sanchez, M. De La Rosa, M., & Sastre, F. (2013, March). The pre and post immigration alcohol use of recent Latino immigrants. Poster presented at Xavier University of Louisiana, College of Pharmacy’s Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education (CMHDRE), Sixth Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Rubio Rivera, S., & Sanchez, M. (2012, December). Developing and Maintaining Effective Academic-Community Partnerships when Conducting Health Disparity Research within a Latino Community. Integrated panel presentation at the 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, Maryland.
  • Fortuna, K. (2012, November). HIV and older adults: A looming public health crisis. Workforce Development: Aging Workshop. Florida International University, Miami, FL.
  • Rosario Hoyos, A., & De La Rosa, M. (2012, October). Folk/Traditional Healer Use among Latinos with Chronic Illnesses: Psychosocial Sequelae Support. Presentation, American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Cyrus, E., Ravelo, G. J., Trepka, M. J., & De La Rosa, M. (2012, October). Pre-immigration determinants of HIV/STD Risk Behaviors among Recent Latino Immigrants to South Florida. Podium presentation at the annual convention of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Zubritsky, C., Fortuna, K., & Keogh, B. (2012, October). Older Adult Mental Health Peer Specialist, PosterPresentation, American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Sanchez, M. (2012, August). Alcohol use among recent Latino immigrants before and after immigration to the United States. Oral presentation at the International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Dillon, F.R., Odera, L., Fons-Scheyd, A., & Ghansah, H. (2012, August). Promoting mental health equities: A dyadic study of multicultural competencies & counseling outcomes. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
  • Dillon, F. R. & De La Rosa, M. (2012, August). Familismo, Acculturation Stress, & Health Risk Behaviors among Recent Latino Immigrants. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
  • Rojas, P., De La Rosa, M., & Dillon, F. R. (2012, August). Determinants of pre-immigration HIV/STD Risk Behaviors among Recent Latino Immigrants to South Florida. Podium presentation at the International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., Ruffin, B., & Dillon, F. R. (2012, July). El Uso de Alcohol entre Adultos Latinos: Una Comparación de Pre-Inmigración, Post-Inmigración, y Uso de Alcohol en Latinos Nacidos en E.E.U.U. Presentation. Barranquilla, Colombia.
  • Dillon, F. R., Macgowan, M., & Randolph, K. (2012, June). Doctoral Education in Social Work. Presentation at the annual conference of the National Association of Social Workers Florida Chapter, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2012, March 28). Health among Latino immigrants. Presentation at Conference on Unnatural Causes, Sponsored by The Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work, Florida International University, Miami, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2011, November). Experiences of an NIH Funded Minority Researcher & Reviewer. Presentation, National Institute on Drug Abuse. Washington D.C.
  • Rahill, G. J, Ganapati, N. E., Clerisme, C., & Mukherji, A. (2011, October). Re-Housing Urban Haiti after the Earthquake: The Role of Social Capital. Poster Presentation, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Salt Lake City.
  • Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., Ruffin, B. A., De La Rosa, M. (2011, October). Examining the relationship between positive and negative religious coping and acculturative stress among recent Latino immigrants. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
  • Sastre, F. (2011, October). Living Positive with HIV: Rituals, Traditions, and Life in Community among Puerto Rican Men in Boston. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
  • Aysa-Lastra, M., Villar, M. E., & Martinez, R. (2011, April). Junior Faculty Breakout Session. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Bohs, R., & Villar, M. E. (2011, April). Moving beyond the Comadres/Compadres Model. C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M., & Sanchez, M. (2011, April). CRUSADA Recent Latino Immigrant Study. Presentation at the C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Dillon, F. R., & Rojas, P. (2011, April). CRUSADA Women Study. Presentation at the C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Rojas, P. (2011, April). Creating a communication channel between CRUSADA and the community so that information on the Center’s activities and the community’s needs is readily available to both parties. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Ruffin, B. (2011, April). Using technology in innovative ways to assist with client access, retention, & continuing care in substance abuse treatment. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Sanchez, J. (2011, April). Getting Grounded: Developing a Community Based Participatory Research Partnership: The Hispanic Migrant Worker HIV Prevention Program (HMW-HIVP). C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Sanchez, M. (2011, April). Assessing cultural competence in your treatment program. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Sastre, F. (2011, April). Best practices to reach and serve hard-to-reach populations. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Sastre, F., Sanchez, M., & Ruffin, B. (2011, April). PhD Student Breakout Session. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Serna, C. (2011, April). Assessing a community’s needs and readiness for HIV/AIDS and drug abuse prevention. Roundtable presentation at C-SALUD Bi-Annual Conference, Substance Abuse & HIV/AIDS in Latinos: Linking Research with the Community. Miami, FL.
  • Sanchez, M., Dillon, F., Ruffin, B. A., De La Rosa, M. R. (2011, January). The influence of religious coping on the acculturative stress of recent Latino immigrants. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
  • Ganapati, N. E., Rahill, G. J., Clerisme, C., & Mukherji, A. (September, 2010). Re-housing Urban Haiti after the Earthquake: The Role of Social Capital. National Science Foundation Rapid and Research Workshop. Arlington, Virginia.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Dillon, F.R. (2010, August). Mother-daughter attachment, drug abuse, and HIV risk among U.S. Latinas. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Dillon, F.R., De La Rosa, M., Schwartz, S., Rojas, P., Duan, R., & Malow, R. (2010, August). Sexual debut, drug abuse, and HIV risk among U.S. Latinas. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Dillon, F.R., Rojas, P., De La Rosa, M., Duan, R., & Pajo, B. (2010, August). Nonmedical use of sedatives among adult Latinas in the United States. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Dillon, F. R., (2010, August). Mother-daughter attachment, drug abuse, and HIV risk among U.S. Latinas. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Dillon, F.R., De La Rosa, M., Schwartz, S., Rojas, P., Duan, R., & Malow, R. (2010, August). Sexual debut, drug abuse, and HIV risk among U.S. Latinas. Poster to be presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Dillon, F. R., Rojas, P., De La Rosa, M., Duan, R., & Pajo, B. (2010, August). Nonmedical use of sedatives among adult Latinas in the United States. Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
  • Rahill, G. J., Aysa-Lystra, M., De La Rosa, M., & Buffington-O’Neil, E. (2010, June). Cultural Adaptation of a Survey Instrument for Use in HIV Knowledge Research on a Rural U.S. University Campus. International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET 2010). Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Rojas, P., Dillon, F.R., De La Rosa, M., Duan, R., & Pajo, B. (2010, June). Nonmedical use of sedatives among adult Latinas in the United States. Poster presented at the Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health, New Brunswick, NJ.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M.J. (2010, June). Low Cholesterol? Don’t Brag Yet… The 1st International Congress on Controversies in Longevity, Health and Aging (CoLONGY), Barcelona, Spain.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M.J. (2010, May). The effects of lipids in immune-senescence. Oral Presentation Opportunities at BIT’s World Congress of Immunodiseases and Therapy, Beijing, China.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rosario, A., Valiente, N., & Babino, R. (2010, April). Recruiting, Interviewing and Retaining Recent Latino Immigrants into Longitudinal studies: Lessons Learned and Recommendations. Poster presented at the Lainto Social Workers Organization Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Pinto, E., Rojas, P., De La Rosa, M., & Rahill, G. (2010, April). Cultural Adaptations in Dietary Intake Assessment: The Latino Women Study. Poster presented at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FSBA), Anaheim, CA.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M.J., & Malow, R. (2010, March). Understanding disparities in HIV rates among minorities in South Florida. 2010 National STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Sastre, F. (2010, March). Living Positive: Life in Community among Puerto Rican Men living with HIV/AIDS in Boston. Vulnerabilities and Exclusion in Globalization, the Society for Applied Anthropology 70th Annual Meeting, Merida, Mexico.
  • Sanchez, M., & Rojas, P. (2010, January). Religiosity as a cultural protective factor against illicit drug use among Latina women. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Aysa-Lastra, M. (2010, January). Intrahousehold Obesity in Mexico: multiple generations, multiple roles. Joint Seminar PMCH and WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center on Aging and Health, Galveston, TX.
  • Sastre, F. (2009, December) Living Positive: fears, challenges, and lives with HIV among Latinos. Keynote address Hispanic forum – 2nd Annual World AIDS Day Conference, Jonesboro, AK.
  • Sanchez, J. (2009, November). Access to Health Care among a Cohort of Hispanic Migrant Workers in South Florida. American Public Health Association’s 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Villalba, K. (2009, November). Poster presentation for Breast Cancer Symposium and at the Society of Toxicology. November 2009.
  • Sanchez, J. (2009, October). Project Salud: HIV Risk Reduction in High Risk Hispanic Migrant Workers in South Florida. A presentation was made at the University of Miami’s Center of Excellence for Hispanic Health Disparities Research Seminar, Miami, FL.
  • Bohs, R., Pesantes, E., & Villar, M. (2009, October). Changes in attitudes and beliefs toward HIV and alcohol use among Latino behavioral health clients after a peer-led intervention. The 2009 National Hispanic Science Network Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Miguez –Burbano, M. J. (2009, October). The influence of different types of alcoholic beverages on disrupting highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) outcome. The International Symposium on Industrial Pharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacology, Guangzhou, China.
  • Miguez –Burbano, M. J. (2009, October). The role of alcohol on platelets, thymus and cognitive performance among HIV-infected subjects: are they related? The International Symposium on Industrial Pharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacology, Guangzhou, China.
  • Bohs, R., Pesantes, E., Villar, M. (2009, October). Changes in attitudes and beliefs toward HIV and alcohol use among Latino behavioral health clients after a peer-led intervention. The National Hispanic Science Network. Miami, FL.
  • Bohs, R., Pesantes, E., & Villar, M. (2009, October). Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about drug use and HIV among Latino mental health clients in Miami. 2009 National Hispanic Science Network Conference, Miami, FL.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Dillon, F. (2009, October). Understanding Adult Latina Drug Use and HIV Risk: Lessons Learned From an Intergenerational Study of Mothers and Daughters. 2009 National Hispanic Science Network Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Miguez –Burbano, M. J., Malow, R., & Lewis, J. (2009, October). Thrombocytopenia and liver dysfunction in people living with HIV. 2009 National Hispanic Science Network Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Sastre, F. (2009, August). Living Positive: Life in Community among Puerto Rican Men living with HIV/AIDS in Boston. Marking 20 Years of AIDS in Sociology: Reflecting Back & Moving Forward Sociologists’ AIDS Network Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Aysa-Lastra, M. (2009, September). Predictors of HIV testing among the college student population of South Florida: the role of stigma towards people living with HIV/AIDS. Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies Colloquium Series, Miami Florida
  • Bohs, R. (2009, August). Comadres/ Compadres Project. Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Brewer, L., & Rahill, G. (2009, May). Application of Qualitative Inquiry in Dissimilar Cultures. Fifth International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry (QI2009): Advancing Human Rights Through Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
  • Miguez–Burbano, M.J. (2009, April). El timo, la influencia del alcohol y el desarrollo de nuevas terapias. XV CONFERENCIA DE CALI, International AIDS and Infectious Diseases Conference, Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M.J. (2009, April). Estrés oxidativo: No nos perdamos entre la infección y el tratamiento. XV CONFERENCIA DE CALI, International AIDS and Infectious Diseases Conference, Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Miguez–Burbano, M.J. (2009, April). VIH y Colesterol: ¿lo prefiere alto o bajito?, no todo es solamente corazón. XV CONFERENCIA DE CALI, International AIDS and Infectious Diseases Conference, Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Miguez–Burbano, M. J. (2009, March). Clark Atlanta University: Monthly Speaker. HIV and Prostate Cancer: Common features Smoking, and Interleukins. 2009.
  • Martinez, R. Jr. (2009, February). Symposium speaker for “Pushing Forward Research on Race, Ethnicity, and Violent Crime.” 2009. Annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Chicago, IL.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2008, December). Health disparity research with Latino populations: Advances & future directions. Plenary Presentation presented at The NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, December 2008, Washington D.C.
  • De La Rosa, M. (2008, December). Lessons learned in the development of a research center at a Hispanic serving university. Symposium presented at The NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, Washington D.C.
  • Aysa-Lastra, M. (2008, December). The role of HIV-related Stigma on HIV-testing among College Students in South Florida, AIDS Day Conference, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
  • Dillon, F. R. & Rice, C. (2008, December). Developing and sustaining a NCMHD Center of Excellence in a predominantly Latino serving university: A CRUSADA case study. Symposium presented at the The NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, Washington D.C.
  • Dillon, F. R., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Duan, R. (2008, August). Attributions about addiction among Latina mothers and their daughters. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., & Duan, R. (2008, August). The influence of U.S. Latina motherdaughter attachment and drug abuse on early initiation of sexual activity and drug / alcohol use before sex. Poster presented at the XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City.
  • Aysa-Lastra, M. (2008, June). Analyzing the determinants of HIV-related Stigma in a Latino College Population, Brown Bag Lunch Presentation Series at CRUSADA, Florida International University, Miami, Florida,
  • Aysa-Lastra, M. (2008, June). Dimensions of Stigma, Sexual Behavior and HIV transmission knowledge among an urban college population in South Florida, Cultures in Context: HIV and Substance Abuse Research in the Southeast. The impact of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion and the rural/urban divide in the southeastern United States. Meharry University, Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Rahill, G. (2008, April). The Development and Persistence of Health Beliefs Surrounding Picuriste/ Injectionist Practice among Haitian Immigrants in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Third International “In Sickness and in Health” Conference. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Martinez, R. Jr. (2008, April). “Immigration and crime in an era of transformation: A longitudinal analysis of homicides in San Diego neighborhoods, 1980-2000.” Obstacles & Opportunities: Latino Policy Issues & Political Representation. Sponsored by University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality.
  • Martinez, R. Jr. (2008, April). “Latinos, Violence and Public Policy in Texas Counties.” Conference on Latinos in Public Policy in Texas. Sponsored by Public Policy Institute and Department of Government, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

Crusada News