Below is a listing of publications authored by CRUSADA affiliated faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, community trainees, and student scholars between 2018 – Current.

2020 – 2021

Amaro, H., Sanchez, M., Bautista, T., & Cox (2021). Social vulnerabilities for substance use: Stressors, socially toxic environments, and discrimination and racism. Neuropharmacology.

Arbona, C., Rodriguez, L., Dragomir-Davis, M., Olvera, N., de Dios, M. A., & Cano, M. A. (2020, November, in press). Intolerance of uncertainty and DSM-5 PTSD symptom severity among trauma exposed Latina college women. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.

Balagopal, G., Davidson, S., Gill, S., Barengo, N., De La Rosa, M., & Sanchez, M (2021, In Press). The impact of cultural stress and gender norms on alcohol use severity in Latino immigrant men. Ethnicity & Health. DOI: 10.1080/13557858.2021.1880550

Barton, A., Novoa, O., Cano, M.A., Romano, E., & Sanchez, M. (2021, January; Accepted). Impact of pre-migration assets and pre-migration trauma on acculturative stress among recent Latinx immigrant young adults. Ethnicity & Health.

Cano, M. A., Castro, F. G., De La Rosa, M., Amaro, H., Vega, W. A., Sánchez, M., Rojas, P., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Taskin, T., Prado, G., Schwartz, S. J., Córdova, D., Salas-Wright, C. P., & de Dios, M. A. (2020, Jul-Sep). Depressive symptoms and resilience among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the moderating effects of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, family cohesion, and social support. Behavioral Medicine, 46(3-4):245-257. doi: 10.1080/08964289.2020.1712646.

Cano, M. A., Marsiglia, F. F., Meca, A., De La Rosa, M., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sánchez, M., Colón Burgos, J. F., Alamilla, S. G., Wuyke, G., Parras, D., Ali, S. Z., Forney, D. J., Varas-Rodríguez, E., Ruvalcaba, Y., Contreras, A., Ahmed, S., Vega-Luna, B., Ochoa, L. G., Cuadra, R., & Domínguez García, M. J. (2021). Psychosocial stress, bicultural identity integration, and bicultural self-efficacy among Hispanic emerging adults. Stress and Health, 37, 392-398.

Cano, M. A., Rojas, P., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sánchez, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2020, May). Depression and gender roles among Hispanic immigrant women: Examining associations of gender egalitarianism, Marianismo, and self-silencing. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 31(2):713-723. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2020.0056.

Cano, M. A., Sánchez, M., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Bursac, Z., Meca, A., Schwartz S. J., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Zamboanga, B. L., Garcini, L. M., Roncancio, A. M., Arbona, C., Sheehan, D. M, & de Dios, M. A. (2020, Sept.). Alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the roles of bicultural self-efficacy and acculturation. Addictive Behavior, 108:106442. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106442.

Cano, M. A., Schwartz, S. J., MacKinnon, D. P., Keum, B. T., Prado, G., Marsiglia, F. F., Salas-Wright, C. P., Cobb, C., Garcini, L. M., De La Rosa, M., Sánchez, M., Rahman, A., Acosta, L., Roncancio, A. M., & de Dios, M. A. (2021). Exposure to ethnic discrimination in social media and symptoms of anxiety and depression among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the moderating role of gender. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77, 571-586.

Chaarani, B., Hahn, N., Allgaier, N., …Sanchez, M…, (2021, In Press). ABCD Consortium. Baseline Brain Function in the Pre-Adolescents of the ABCD Study. Nature Neuroscience.

Cobb, C. L., Salas-Wright, C. P., John, R., Schwartz, S. J., Vaughn, M. G., Martínez, Jr., C. R., Awad, G. H., Pinedo, M., & Cano, M. A. (2021). Discrimination trends and mental health among native- and foreign-born Latinos: Results from national surveys in 2004 and 2013. Prevention Science, 22, 397-407.

Cyrus E, Johnson SA, Perez-Gilbe H, et al. (In press). Engagement in care and housing instability influence HIV screening among transgender individuals in South Florida. Transgender Health

Da Silva, N., Verdejo, T.R., Dillon, F.R., Ertl, M.M., De La Rosa, M. (2021, In Press).  Marianismo beliefs, intimate partner violence, and psychological distress among recently immigrated, young adult Latinas.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence DOI: 10.1177/0886260518778263

De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., Wang, W., Cano, M.A., & Rojas, P. R. (2020, July). Alcohol use trajectories of adult Latinx immigrants during their first decade in the United States. Addictive Behaviors, 106.

De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., Wang, W., Cano, M.A., Rojas, P. (2020). Alcohol use trajectories of Latinx immigrants during their first decade in the U.S., Addictive Behaviors, Addictive Behaviors, Epub 106352.

Fava, N., Sanchez, M., Wuyke, G., Diez, S., Vazquez, V., Ravelo, G.J., Villalba, K. & Rojas, P. (2020). Associations between sexual trauma and sexual relationship control among Latina immigrant farmworkers: The moderating role of gender norms. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 33(6).1093-1101.

Huang, H., Cano, M.A., Trepka, M.J., Rojas, P., Sheehan, D. M., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P. & De La Rosa, M. (2019, In Press). Neighborhood and health related outcomes: a study of adult Latinas of Caribbean and south and Central American descent in Miami. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Epub 12 Dec. 2019

Kanamori, M., Shrader, C. H., De La Rosa, M. (2021, Apr). A Timely Concern: Would Immigration Policies and Enforcement Actions Influence Higher Alcohol Dependence among Latina Seasonal Farmworkers? Journal of Agromedicine, 26(2):266-272. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2020.1744494. [Epub 2020 Apr2].

Kanamori, M., Shrader, C. H., St George, S., Adkins, T., Bartholomew, T. S., Sanchez, M., De Ka Rosa, M. (2020, July, In Press). Influences of immigration stress and occupational exploitation on Latina seasonal workers’ substance use networks: a qualitative study. J Ethn Subst Abuse.  E-pub ahead of print. doi: 10.1080/15332640.2020.1778591.

Kanamori, M., Williams, M., Fujimoto, K., Shrader, C. H., Schneider, J., De La Rosa, M. (2021, May). A social network analysis of cooperation and support in an HIV service delivery network for young Latino MSM in Miami. Journal of Homosexuality, 12;68(6):887-900. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2019.1667160

Keum, B. T. & Cano, M. A. (in press). Online racism, psychological distress, and alcohol use among racial minority women and men: A multi-group mediation analysis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Lee, I. J., & Ahmed, N. U. (2021). The Devastating Cost of Racial and Ethnic Health Inequity in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the National Medical Association, 113(1), 114–117.

Meca, A., Moreno, O., Cobb, C., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Schwartz, S. J., Cano, M. A., Zamboanga, B. L., Gonzales-Backen, M., Szapocznik, J., Unger, J. B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., & Soto, D. W. (in press). Directional effects in cultural identity: A family system approach for immigrant Latina/o families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Oh, S. Vaughn, M.G., Salas-Wright, C.P., AbiNaber, M.A., Sanchez, M. (2020). Driving under the Influence of Alcohol: Findings from the NSDUH, 2002-2017. Addictive Behaviors.  Sep;108:106439. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106439. Epub 2020 Apr 10.

Ramirez-Ortiz, D., Cano, M.A., Sheehan, D.M., Romano, E., Sanchez, M (In Press, 2021, Mar.). Pre- and Post-immigration HIV Testing Behaviors among Young Adult Recent Latino Immigrants in Miami-Dade County, Florida. AIDS & Behavior. 2021 Mar 22. doi: 10.1007/s10461-021-03233-9. Online ahead of print.

Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sheehan, D. M., Ibañez, G. E., Ibrahimou, B., De La Rosa, M., & §Cano, M. A. (2021). HIV testing intentions and cognitive reappraisal among Latino emerging adults. AIDS Care, 33, 548-552.

Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sheehan, D. M., Ibañez, G. E., Ibrahimou, B., De La Rosa, M., & Cano, M. A. (2020, December). Self-efficacy and HIV testing among Latino emerging adults: Examining the moderating effects of distress tolerance and sexual risk behaviors. AIDS Care, 32(12):1556-1564. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1736259.

Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Sheehan, D. M., Moore, M. P., Ibañez, G. E., Ibrahimou, B., De La Rosa, M., & Cano, M. A. (2020, October). HIV testing among Latino emerging adults: Examining associations with familism, nativity, and gender. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22(5):1039-1048. doi: 10.1007/s10903-020-01000-x.

Rivera, D., Dueke, D., Sanchez, M., Amaro, H (2021, June).  Examination of referral source and discharge outcomes among women in substance use disorder treatment.  Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2021 Jun 2; 125:108319. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108319

Rojas, L. M., Sánchez, M., Westrick, A. C., Vasquez, V., Cano, M. A., & De La Rosa, M. (2021, May). Socio-Cultural subgroups of Latina/o immigrants: A latent profile analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 82, 185-196.

Rojas, P., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Wang, W., Daniel, E. V., Sánchez, M., Cano, M. Á., … & De La Rosa, M. (2020, Aug). Testing the efficacy of an HIV prevention intervention among Latina immigrants living in farmworker communities in South Florida. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22, 661–667 (2020).

Romano, E., Lee, I., Babino, R., Taylor, E., & Mariana Sanchez (2021) Recent Latinx Immigrants to Miami-Dade County, Florida: A Characterization of Pre- and Post-Immigration Travel. Travel Behaviour and Society. Volume 24, Pages 270-278

Romano, E., Sanchez, M., Taylor, E.P., Babino, R. DWI and RWID among recent Latinx immigrants. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

Romano, E., Taylor, E., Babino, R., Sanchez, M.  DWI and RWID among Recent Latinx Immigrants. Transportation Research Record.

Roncancio, A. M., Carmack, C. C., García-Morales, V. A., Cribbs, F. L., & Cano, M. A. (2021). Hispanic mothers’ accounts of vaccinating their adolescent children against HPV: Features of the clinic visit. Ethnicity and Health, 26, 337-351.

Salas-Wright, C. P., Schwartz, S. J., Cohen, M., Maldonado-Molina, M. M., Vaughn, M. G., Sanchez, M., … & Andrade, P. (In Press, 2020). Cultural Stress and Substance Use Risk among Venezuelan Migrant Youth in the United States. Substance Use & Misuse. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1795684. Epub 2020 Jul 24.

Sanchez, M., Hidalgo, B., Rosario, A., Artiles, L., Stewart, A.L., Nápoles. (In press). Applying Self-Report Measures in Health Disparities Research. Danka-Mullen, Perez-Stable, Gardner, Zang, and Rosario (Eds.) The Science of Health Disparities Research (pp. 153-170.) John Wiley & Sons.  [Link]

Sanchez, M., Ravelo, G. J., Cyrus, E., Dawson, C., Cano, M.A., Martinez, M., Romano, E., Rojas, P., Li., T., & De La Rosa, M. (2021, In Press). Trajectories of pre- to post-immigration religious social capital and its impact on drinking and driving risk behaviors of recent Latino immigrants. Journal of Latino/a Psychology.

Sanchez, M., Romano, E., Wang, W., Barton, A., Ali, B., Villalba, K. (2021, In Press). Westrick, A. Pre and post immigration factors associated with cigarette use among young adult recent Latinx immigrants. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.

Serna, C. A., Sanchez, J., Arevalo, O., Tomar, S. L., McCoy, V., Devieux, J., De La Rosa, M., Bastida, E. (2020, September). Self‐reported factors associated with dental care utilization among Hispanic migrant farmworkers in South Florida. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 80(3):186-193. doi: 10.1111/jphd.12364.

Sheehan, D. M., Cano, M. A., & Trepka, M. J. (in press). Measuring race among Latinos to address racism, discrimination, and HIV health inequities: Comparing self-reported race and Fitzpatrick skin phototype. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.

Sheehan, D. M., De La Cruz, Y., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Swendeman, D., Muñoz-Laboy, M., Duncan, D. T., Cano, M. A., Devieux, J. G., & Trepka, M. J. (2021). A qualitative study of antiretroviral therapy adherence interruptions among young Latino men who have sex with men with HIV: Project D.A.I.L.Y. AIDS Care, 33, 962-969.

Lisdahl, K. M., Tapert, S., Sher, K. J., Gonzalez, R., …. Sanchez, M., …  ABCD Consortium. Substance use patterns in 9-10 year olds: Baseline in findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Ullrich, H. S., Torbati, A., Fan, W., Arbona, C., Cano, M. A., Essa, S., Harvey, L., Vaughan, E. L., & de Dios, M. A. (in press). Race, psychosocial characteristics, and treatment outcomes among individuals undergoing treatment for cannabis use disorder: A latent profile analysis based on preferred method of using cannabis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.

Villalba, K, Sanchez, M, Ravelo, G. Wang, W. Wuyke, G., and Rojas, P. (In Press). Intimate partner violence and self-silencing:  Short report from a South Florida semi-rural community. Violence Against Women.

Villalba, K., Attonitio, J., Jean-Gilles, M., Rosenberg, R., Sanchez, M., & Dévieux, J.G. (2020, October). The effects of childhood sexual abuse: The role of anxiety and alcohol use among Haitian women living with HIV. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(7), 788-801. DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2020.1801939 PMID: 33006528

Westrick AC, Sanchez M, Wang W, Cano MA, Rojas P, De La Rosa M. (2021, Accepted) Alcohol use severity among Recent Latino Immigrants: Associations of acculturation, family history of alcohol use and alcohol outcome expectancies. Accepted: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.

Westrick, A. C., De La Rosa, M., Sánchez, M., Colón-Burgos, J. F., Rojas, P., & §Cano, M. A. (2021). Associations of objective and perceived neighborhood ethnic density on hazardous alcohol use among Latinx emerging adults. Substance Use and Misuse, 56, 339-344.


Auf, R., Trepka, M. J., Selim, M., Taleb, Z. B., De La Rosa, M., Bastida, E., & Cano M. A. (2019, January). E-cigarette use is associated with other tobacco use among American adolescents. International Journal of Public Health. 64(1),125-134. doi: 10.1007/s00038-018-1166-7

Dawson, C. T., Wu, W., Fennie, K. P., Ibañez, G., Cano, M. Á., Pettit, J.W., Trepka, M. J. (2019, January). Perceived neighborhood social cohesion moderates the relationship between neighborhood structural disadvantage and adolescent depressive symptoms, 56, 88-98, Health and Place. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.01.001.

Diez, S. L., Cristello, J. V., Dillon, F. R., De La Rosa, M., Trucco, E. M. (2019, April).  Validation of the Electronic Cigarette Attitudes Survey (ECAS) for youth.  Addictive Behaviors, 91, 216-221. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.11.022

Dillon, F. R., Ertl, M. L., Verile, M., Suraj, N., Babino, R., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, February). A Social Ecological Study of Psychological Distress Among Recently Immigrated, Latina Young Adults.  Journal of Latinx Psychology 7(1), 39 –58.

Dillon, F. R., Ertl, M. L., Verile, M., Suraj, N., Babino, R., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, February). A Social Ecological Study of Psychological Distress Among Recently Immigrated, Latina Young Adults.  Journal of Latinx Psychology 7(1), 39 –58.

Ertl, M. M., Rentería, R., Dillon, F. R., Babino, R., De La Rosa, M., & Brenner, R. E. (2019, November). Longitudinal Associations Between Marianismo Beliefs and Acculturative Stress Among Latina Immigrants During Initial Years in the United States. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66(6), 665-677.

Huang, H., Cano, M.A., Trepka, M.J., Rojas, P., Sheehan, D. M., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P. & De La Rosa, M. (2019, In Press). Neighborhood and health related outcomes: a study of adult Latinas of Caribbean and south and Central American descent in Miami. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Epub 12 Dec. 2019

Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Shrader, C. H., Munayco, C., Doblecki-Lewis, S., Prado, G., Safren, S., Trepka, M. J., Fujimoto, K. (2019, November).  Progreso en Salud: Findings from Two Adapted Social Network HIV Risk Reduction Interventions for Latina Seasonal Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), 4530. DOI 10.3390/ijerph16224530

Kim, H., He, Y., Pham, R., Ravelo, G. J., Rojas, P., Rodriguez, P., Castro, G… Cyrus, E. (2019, April). Analyzing the association between depression and high-risk sexual behavior among adult Latina immigrant farm workers in Miami-Dade County. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(112). doi:10.3390/ijerph16071120 — SEPA

Levitt, E., Ainuz, B., Pourmoussa, A., Acuna, J., De La Rosa, M., Zevallos, J., Wang, W., Rodriguez, P., Castro, G., & Sanchez, M. (2019, November). Pre- and Post-Immigration Correlates of Alcohol Misuse among Young Adult Recent Latino Immigrants: An Ecodevelopmental Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), p 4391.

Patel, N., Anees, M., Kola, R., Acuña, J., Rodriguez de la Vega, P., Castro, G., Ruiz, J. G., Rojas, P. (2019, April). Association between Knowledge of Zika Transmission and Preventative Measures among Latinas of Childbearing Age in Farm Working Communities in South Florida. International Journal of Environmental Research and public health. Apr; 16(7): 1257, doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071257

Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Rojas, P., Sánchez, M., Cano, M. A., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, April). Associations of self-silencing and egalitarian attitudes with HIV prevention behaviors among Latina immigrant farmworkers. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 21(2), 430-433. doi: 10.1007/s10903-018-0773-y.   PMID: 30030668

Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Rojas, P., Sánchez, M., Cano, M. Á., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, April). Associations of Self-Silencing and Egalitarian Attitudes with HIV Prevention Behaviors Among Latina Immigrant Farmworkers. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 21(2), 430-433.

Ravelo, G.J., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Cyrus, E., De La Rosa, M., Peragallo, N. & Rojas, P. (2019, August). Associations between gender norms and HIV self-efficacy among Latinas immigrants in a farmworker community. Ethnicity & Health, [Epub ahead of print].

Rollins, L., Zellner Lawrence, T., Henry Akintobi, T., Hopkins, J., Banerjee, A., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, June). A Participatory Evaluation Framework for the Implementation of a Transdisciplinary Center for Health Disparities Research. Ethnicity & Disease, Supplement (Suppl 2), 29, 385-392.

Romano, E., Sánchez, M., De La Rosa, M., & Ertman, B. (2019, Jul-Sep). Determinants of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs among Latino immigrants in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 18(3), 359-373.

Salas-Wright, C.P., AbiNader, M.A., Vaughn, M.G., Sanchez, M. & De La Rosa, M. (2019, Sept). Trends in participation in teen pregnancy and STI prevention programming, 2002-2016. Preventive Medicine. Prev Med. 2019 Sep; 126: 105753.

Sanchez, M., Diez, S., Fava, N.M., Cyrus, E., Ravelo, G.J., Rojas, P., Li, T. , Cano, M.A. & De La Rosa, M. (2019, April) Immigration stress among recent Latino immigrants:  the protective role of social support and religious social capital. Social Work in Public Health, 34(4), 279-292.

Sanchez, M., Sheehan, D., Forney, D. (2019, In Press;  Book Chapter). HIV Among Latino Immigrants in the United States: The Impact of Socio-cultural Determinants of Health and Migration in HIV, Immigration, & Human Rights.

Sheehan, D. M., Auf, R., Cyrus, E., Fennie, K. P., Maddox, L. M., Spencer, E., De La Rosa, M., Trepka, M. J. (2019, December). Changing demographic among Latino MSM diagnosed with HIV in Florida, 2007-2016. AIDS Care, 31(12), 1593-1596. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1612019.

Verile, M., Ertl, M. M., Dillon, F.R., & De La Rosa, M. (2019, March).  Acculturative stress among Latina young adult immigrants: The mediating role of receiving community context.  Journal of Translational Issues in Psychological Sciences, 5(1), 91-110.


Auf, R., Trepka, M. J., De La Rosa, M., Taleb, Z. B., Selim, M., & Cano, M. A. (2018, March). E-cigarette marketing exposure and combustible tobacco use among adolescents in the United States. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 74-79.

Cano, M. A., Sánchez, M., Rojas, P., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Polo, K. L., Romano, E., & De La Rosa, M. (2018, March). Alcohol use severity among adult Hispanic immigrants: Examining the roles of family cohesion, social support, and gender. Substance Use and Misuse, 53(4), 668-676. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1356333. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1356333

Cyrus, E., Sheehan, D., Fennie, K., Sanchez, M., Dawson, C.T., Cameron, M., Maddox, L., Trepka, M.J. (2018, February). Delayed diagnosis of HIV among non-Latino Black Caribbean immigrants in Florida 2000-2014. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 29(1), 266-283. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2018.0019

De La Rosa, M., Huang, H., Brook, J. S., Sánchez, M., Rojas, P., Kanamori, M., Cano, M. A., Martinez, M (2018, Jul-Sep). Socio-cultural determinants of substance misuse among adult Latinas of Caribbean, South and Central American descent: a longitudinal study of a community-based sample.  Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17(3), 303-323.

Dillon, F. R., Ertl, M. M., Corp, D., Babino, R., & De La Rosa, M. (2018, March). Latina young adults’ use of health care during initial months in the United States.  Health Care of Women International, 39(3), 343-359.

Ertl, M. E., Dillon, F. R., Cabrera Tineo, Y. A., Verile, M., Jurkowski, J. M., & De La Rosa, M. (2018, March).  Sexual risk during initial months in US among Latina young adults.  AIDS Care – Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 30(3), 353-360.

Ertl, M. M., Dillon, F. R., Martin, J. L., Babino, R., De La Rosa, M.  (2018, June). Alcohol use Exacerbates Acculturative Stress Among Recently Immigrated, Young Adult Latinas.  Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health,20(3), 594–602.

Huang, H., Fernandez, S. B., Rhoden, M. A., & Joseph, R. (2018, March) Serving Former Foster Youth and Homeless Students in College, Journal of Social Service Research, 44(2), 209-222, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1441096

Lewis , M., (April , 2018). Pioneers in Social Work Practice With the Addictions: An Interview With Mario De La Rosa, MSSA, PhD.  Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18 (2), 217–221

Yong, L., & Huang, H.  (2017, December).  Validating the Job Satisfaction Survey in Voluntary Child Welfare. Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 1-8.

Zucker, R.A., Gonzalez, R., Paulus, M., Feldstein-Ewing, S., Arroyo, J., Fuligni, A., Morris, A., Sanchez, M., & Wills, T.  (2018, August). Assessment of Culture and Environment in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study: Rationale, Description of Measures, and Early Data.   Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 32, 107-120. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2018.03.004.  PMID:    29627333

Below is a listing of publications authored by CRUSADA affiliated faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, community trainees, and student scholars between 2012 – 2017.


Cano, M. A., de Dios, M. A., Correa-Fernández, V., Childress, S., Abrams, J. L., & Roncancio, A. M. (2017, September). Depressive symptom domains and alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining moderating effects of gender. Addictive Behaviors, 72, 72-78. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.03.015

Cano, M. A., Sanchez, M., Trepka, M. J., Dillon, F. R. Sheehan, D. M., Rojas, P., Kanamori, M., Huang, H., Auf, R., & De La Rosa, M. (2017, March). Immigration stress and alcohol use severity among recently immigrated Hispanic adults: Examining moderating effects of gender, immigration status, and social support. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(3), 294-307. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22330

Cyrus, E., Dawson, C., Fennie, K., Sheehan, D., Mauck, D. E., Sanchez, M., Maddox, L. M., Trepka, M. J. (2017, March) Disparity in retention in care and viral suppression for Black Caribbean-born immigrants living with HIV. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3), pii: E285. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14030285.

Cyrus, E., Sheehan, D.M., Fennie, K., Sanchez, M., Dawson, C., Cameron, M., Maddox, L., Trepka, MJ. (2017, March). Delayed diagnosis among non-Latino Caribbean immigrants. Journal of Health Care for Poor and Underserved, 14(3), 285. doi:  10.3390/ijerph14030285

Da Silva, N., Dillon, F.R., Verdejo, T.R., Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, M. (2017, March). Acculturative stress, psychological distress, and religious coping among Latina young adult immigrants. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(2), 213-236

Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Diez, S. L., Weissman, J., Trepka, M. J., Sneij, A., Schmidt, P., & Rojas, P. (2017, January). Development, lessons learned, and preliminary findings of Progresso En Salud, an HIV risk reduction intervention for Latina seasonal farmworkers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (32), 1-16.

Lee, J. Y., Brook, J. S., De La Rosa, M., Kim, Y., & Brook, D. W. (2017, November). The association between alcohol use trajectories from adolescence and cannabis use disorder in adulthood: A 22 year longitudinal study. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 43(6), 727-733. DOI: 10.1080/00952990.2017.1288734

Lee, J. Y., Brook, J. S., Finch, S. J., De La Rosa, M., & Brook, D. W. (2017). Joint trajectories of cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms from the mid-twenties to the mid-thirties predicting generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 36(3), 158–166. doi:10.1080/10550887.2017.1303958

Rojas, P., Li, T., Ravelo, G., Sanchez, M., Dawson, C., Sneji, A., De La Rosa, M.R. (2017, June). Correlates of cervical cancer screening among a non-clinical community-based sample of adult Latino women: A five-year follow-up. World Medical & Health Policy, 9, 239-254.

Romano, E., De La Rosa, M., Sanchez, M., & Babino, R. (2017, October). Riding with impaired drivers among recent Latino immigrants in Southern Florida.  Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health, 19(5):1256-1259. doi: 10.1007/s10903-016-0511-2.

Romano, E., Sanchez, M., De La Rosa, Ertman, B.   (2017, October). Determinants of alcohol and drug driving among Latino immigrants in Miami-Dade County Florida. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 25, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/15332640.2017.1371655

Sanchez, M., Romano, E., Dawson, C., Martinez, M., Li, T., Cyrus, E., De La Rosa, M. (2017, May). Cultural Correlates of DUI Risk Perceptions Among Documented and Undocumented Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 39(2), 211-237. DOI: 10.1177/0739986317698777

Sheehan DM, Trepka MJ, Fennie KP, Prado G, Madhivanan P, Dillon FR, Maddox LM. (2017, August). Individual and Neighborhood Determinants of Late HIV Diagnosis Among Latinos, Florida, 2007-2011. J Immigr Minor Health, 19(4), 825-834. doi: 10.1007/s10903-016-0422-2.

Sheehan, D. M., Mauck, D. E., Fennie, K. P., Cyrus, E., Maddox, L. M., Lieb, S., Trepka, M. J. (2017, January). Black-white and country of birth disparities in retention in HIV care and viral suppression among Latinos with HIV in Florida, 2015. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017;14(2); pii: E120. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14020120. PMCID: in progress.

Weissman, J., Kanamori, M., Dévieux, J., Trepka, M. J., De La Rosa, M. (2017, April). HIV risk reduction interventions among substance-abusing reproductive-aged women: A systematic review. AIDS Education and Prevention, 29(2), 121-140. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2017.29.2.121.

Zhang, C., Brook, J. S., Leukefeld, C. G., De La Rosa, M., & Brook, D. W. (2017, June).  Compulsive buying and quality of life: An estimate of the monetary cost of compulsive buying among adults in early midlife. Psychiatry Research, 252, 208-214. DOI:

Zhang, C., Brook, J. S., Leukefeld, C. G., De La Rosa, M., & Brook, D. W. (2017).  Lack of Preventive Health Behaviors in the Early Forties: The Role of Earlier Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking From Adolescence to Adulthood. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(12), 1527-1537. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1281310

Zhang, C., Brook, J. S., Morojele, N. K., De La Rosa, M., Leukefeld, C. G., & Brook, D. W. (2017, April). Psychosocial Factors Related to the Intergenerational Transmission of Externalizing Behaviors in Early Midlife. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(10), 1328-1337.


Berger Cardoso, J., Ren, Y., Swank, P., Sanchez, M., & De La Rosa, M. (March, 2016). Pre- to post-immigration sexual risk behavior and alcohol use among recent Latino immigrants in Miami. Culture Health & Sexuality, 18(10), 1107-1121. DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2016.1155751

Cano, M. A. (2016, December). Intracultural accusations of assimilation and alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Moderating effects of acculturation, enculturation, and gender. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 8, 850-856. DOI:

Cano, M. A., Castro, Y., de Dios, M. A., Schwartz, S. J., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Roncancio, A. M., Martinez, M. J., Sheehan, D. M., Auf, R., Pina-Watson, B., Huynh, Q., & Zamboanga, B. L. (November, 2016). Associations of ethnic discrimination with symptoms of anxiety and depression among Hispanic emerging adults: A moderated mediation model. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 29(6), 699-707. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2016.1157170.

Concha, M., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Villar, M., & De La Rosa, M. (August, 2016). Differences in Acculturation and Trajectories of Anxiety and Alcohol Consumption Among Latina Mothers and Daughters in South Florida. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(4), 886–895.

Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Diez, S., Weissman, J., Trepka, M. J., Sneij, A., Schmidt, P., Rojas, P.  (2016, December). A Brief Report: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Findings of Progreso en Salud, an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Latina Seasonal Farmworkers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(32), 1-16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010032

Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Weissman, J., Rojas, P., Villar, M. E., Trepka, M. J. Dillon, F. R., & Jaramillo, M. (2016, April). Associations between drug/alcohol use and emotional abuse: Who perpetrates emotional abuse against Latina women? Journal of Epidemiological Research, 2(1). DOI: 10.5430/xyz.v1n1p1

Kanamori, M., Dillon, F. R., Weissman, J., Jaramillo, M., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Villar, M. E., & Trepka, M. J. (January, 2016). Associations between drug/alcohol use and emotional abuse: Who perpetrates emotional abuse against Latina women? Journal of Epidemiological Research, 2(1). DOI: 10.5430/xyz.v1n1p1

Kanamori, M., Weissman, J., De La Rosa, M., Melton, J., Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Trepka, M.J. (2016, December). Women’s perception of adolescent marijuana use in a Hispanic seasonal farm worker community: a qualitative study. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16, 1-11. [Epub ahead of print December 2016]

Kanamori, M., Weissman, J., De La Rosa, M., Trepka, M. J., Rojas, P., Cano, M. A., Melton, J., & Unterberger, A. (2016, August). Latino Mother/Daughter dyadic attachment as a mediator for substance use disorder and emotional abuse. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(4), 896-903. doi: 10.1007/s10903-015-0312-z.

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Lopez-Quintero, C., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Varga, L., & De La Rosa, M. (February, 2016). HIV testing practices among Latina women at risk of getting infected: A five-year follow- up of a community sample in South Florida. AIDS Care. 28(2): 137–146.

Rojas, P., Huang, H., Li, T., Ravelo, G., Sanchez, M., Dawson, C., Brook, J., Kanamori, M., & De La Rosa, M. (2016, November). Socio-cultural determinants of risky sexual behaviors among adult Latinas: a longitudinal study of a community-based sample. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(11), 1164.

Romano, E., De La Rosa, M., & Sanchez, M., Babino, R., Taylor, E. (2016). Drinking and driving among documented and undocumented recent Latino immigrants in Miami Dade County, Florida. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 18(4), 935-939.

Ryan, J. P., Perron, B. E., & Huang, H. (January, 2016). Child welfare and the transition to adulthood: Investigating placement status and subsequent arrests. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(1), 172-182. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-015-0305-1

Sanchez, M., Rojas, P., Li, T., Ravelo, G., Cyrus, E., Wang, W., Kanamori, M., Peragallo, N. P., De La Rosa, M. (2016, September). Evaluating a culturally tailored HIV risk reduction intervention among Latina immigrant farmworkers. World Medical & Health Policy, 8(3), 245-262. 10.1002/wmh3.193

Sanchez, M., Romano, E., Dawson, C., Huang, H., Sneji, A., Cyrus, E., Cano, M.A., Rojas, P., Brook, J., & De La Rosa, M. (2016, October). Drinking and driving among recent Latino immigrants: The impact of neighborhoods and social support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(11), pii E1055.

Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Dillon, F. R., Madhivanan, P., & Maddox, L. M. (June, 2016). Neighborhood Latino ethnic density and mortality among HIV-positive Latinos by birth country/region, Florida, 2005-2008. Ethnicity & Health, 21(3), 268-283. PMID 26159480.

Sheehan, D. M., Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Prado, G., Cano, M. A., & Maddox, L.M. (January, 2016). Black-white Latino racial disparities in HIV survival, Florida, 2000-2011. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(1), 9. doi:10.3390/ijerph13010009

Sheehan, D. M., Dillon, F. R., Babino, R., Melton, J., Spadola, C., Da Silva, N., & De La Rosa, M.  (2016, October). Recruiting and assessing young adult Latina recent immigrants in health disparities research. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 44, 245-262. doi: 10.1002/jmcd.12052

Sneij, A., Campa, A., & Baum, M. (February, 2016). Lower Plasma Zinc Levels in HIV Patients with Hyperglycemia. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research, 7, 542. doi:10.4172/2155-6113.1000542

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Trepka, M. J., Fennie, K. P., Sheehan, D. M., Niyonsenga, T., Lieb, S., & Maddox, L. M. (February, 2016). Racial-ethnic differences in all-cause and HIV survival, Florida, 2000-2011. Annals of Epidemiology, 26(3), 176-182. PMID 26948103.

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Alessi, E., Dillon, F. R., & Kim, H. M. (September, 2015). Determinants of gay affirmative practice among mental health practitioners. Psychotherapy, 52(3), 298-307.

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Rojas, P., Huang, H., Li, T., Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., & De La Rosa, M. (April, 2015). Alcohol and Other Determinants of Non-Medical Use of Prescription Medications among Latinas: A Six Year Follow Up. Jacobs Journal of Addiction and Therapy, 2(2), 1-15.

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Niyonsenga, T., Blackson, T., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., & Ganapati, N. E. (2012). Social support, attachment and chronic stress as correlates of Latina mother and daughter drug use behaviors. American Journal on Addictions, 21, 157-167. doi: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2011.00202.x

Rahill, G. J., De La Rosa, M., & Edwards, B. (2012) Insights and Practical Strategies for Health Research among Haitian Immigrants: Lessons learned from the Miami-Dade Picuriste Study. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 10(1), 74-95. DOI:10.1080/15562948.2012.646499

Sanchez, J., Serna, C., & De La Rosa, M. (2012). Project Salud: Using community-based participatory research to culturally adapt an HIV prevention intervention in the Latino migrant worker community. International Public Health Journal, Special Issue 4(3), 301-308.

Sanchez, J., Silva-Suarez, G., Serna, C. A., & De La Rosa, M. (2012). The Latino Migrant Worker HIV Prevention Program: building a community partnership through a community health worker training program. Family & Community Health, 35(2), 139-146. doi: 10.1097/FCH.0b013e3182465153.

Sanchez, M., Dillon, F. R., Ruffin, B., & De La Rosa, M. (2012). The influence of religious coping on the acculturative stress of recent Latino immigrants. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 21, 171-194. doi: 10.1080/15313204.2012.700443.

Below is a listing of publications authored by CRUSADA affiliated faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows, community trainees, and student scholars between 2003 – 2011.


  • Braithwaite, R. L., Griffin, J., & De La Rosa, M. (2011). The southern male placebo study: the good, the bad and the ugly. In R. V. Katz & R. C. Warren (Eds.), Searching for the ‘Legacy’ of the USPHS Syphilis Study at Tuskegee. Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham, MD
  • Dillon, F. R., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., Duan, R., & Schwartz, S. J. (2011). Attributions about addiction among Latina women. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. 11, 209-229. doi: 10.1080/1533256X.2011.595662.
  • Rahill, G. J., Dawkins, M. P., & De La Rosa M. (2011). Haitian picuristes/injectionists as alternatives to conventional health care providers in South Florida. Social Work Public Health, 26(6), 577-93.
  • Rojas, P., Malow, R., Ruffin, B., Rothe, E., & Rosenberg, R. (2011). The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Dominican: Key Contributing Factors. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care, 10(5), 306-315. Retrieved from
  • Sastre, F. (2011). Living Positive: Life in Community Among Puerto Rican Men living with HIV in Boston. Dissertation Thesis, Florida International University.
  • Spanierman, L. B., Oh, E., Heppner, P. P., Neville, H. A., Mobley, M., Vaile Wright, C., Dillon, F. R., & Navarro, R. (2011). The Multicultural Teaching Competency Scale: Development and initial validation. Urban Education, 46, 440-464. doi:10.1177/0042085910377442.
  • Trepka, M. J., Maddox, L. M., Lieb, S., & Niyonsenga, T. (2011). Utility of the National Death Index in ascertaining mortality in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome surveillance. American Journal of Epidemiology, 174(1), 90-8. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwr034. [Epub 2011 May 3]
  • Worthington, R. L., & Dillon, F. R. (2011). Deconstructing multicultural counseling competencies research: Comment on Owen, Leach, Wampold, and Rodolfa (2011). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 10-15. doi:10.1037/a0022177.


  • Davalos, D. M., Hlaing, W. M., Kim, S., & De La Rosa, M. (2010). Prevalence and Trends in HIV related Hospitalization and Mortality: 2000 to 2005. Journal of the National Medical Association. 102(12), 1131-1138.
  • De La Rosa, M., Dillon, F. R., Ganapati, N. E., Rojas, P., Pinto, E., & Prado, G. (2010). Mother-Daughter Attachment and Drug Abuse among Latinas in the United States. Journal of Drug Issues, 40(2), 379-404.
  • De La Rosa, M., Dillon, F. R., Schwartz, S. J., Rojas, P., & Duan, R. (2010). Latina mother-daughter dyads: Relations between attachment and sexual behavior under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 1305-1319. PMCID: 19399605.
  • Dillon, F. R., De La Rosa, M., Schwartz, S. J., Rojas, P., Duan, R., & Malow, R. (2010). U.S. Latina age of sexual debut: long-term associations and implications for HIV and drug abuse prevention. AIDS Care, 22(4), 431-440. PMID: 20131128.
  • Ganapati, S., Ganapati, N. E., De La Rosa, M., & Rojas, P. (2010). Spatial disparity of HIV/AIDS service providers: The case of Miami-Dade County. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 9(2), 169-189.
  • Martinez, R., Jr. (2010). Revisiting the role of Latinos and Immigrants in Police research. In S. K. Rice, M. White, & R. S. (INT) Engel (Eds.), Race, Ethnicity and Policing: New and Essential Readings (pp.435-449). New York, NY: NYU Press.
  • Martinez, R., Jr., Stowell, J., & Lee, M. T. (2010). Immigration and crime in an era of transformation: a longitudinal analysis of homicides in San Diego neighborhoods, 1980-2000. Criminology, 48(3), 797-829.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Lewis, J., Burbano, X., Rosenberg, R., Fishman, J., Asthana, D., Goodkin, K., & Malow, R. (2010). Variable cognitive benefits in HAART-treated patients: are aging and low cholesterol linked? Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine, 2, 13-21. doi: 10.2147/NBHIV.S8545.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Wyatt, C., Lewis, J., Rodriguez, A., & Duncan, R. (2010). Ignoring the obvious missing piece of Chronic Renal Disease in HIV: cigarette smoking. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 21(1), 16-24.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Lewis, J., Bryant, V., Rosenberg, R., Burbano, X., Fishman, J., Asthana, D., Duan, R., Madhavan, N., & Malow, R. (2010). Low cholesterol? Don’t brag yet: Hypocholesterolemia blunts HAART effectiveness: a longitudinal study. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13, 25. doi:10.1186/1758-2652-13-25
  • Niyonsenga, T., Rojas, P., Dillon, F. R., Kim, S., Ganapati, N. E., & De La Rosa, M. (2010). Correlates of heavy drinking behaviors of Latino mothers and their adult daughters. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 42, 457-466. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2010.10400708.
  • Rahill, G., & Rice, C. (2010). Correlates of Picuriste use in a sample of health-seeking Haitian immigrants and adult children of immigrants in Miami-Dade, Florida. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S140-S145. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.162479.
  • Rojas, P., Kim, S., De La Rosa, M., Dillon, F. R., & Niyonsenga, T. (2010). Intergenerational associations between a consensual childhood sexual experience and adult substance abuse among Latina mothers and daughters. International Journal of Women’s Health, 2, 13-22. Retrieved from
  • Toldson, I. A., Woodson, K. M., Braithwaite, R., Holliday, R. C., & De La Rosa, M. (2010). Academic Potential Among African American Adolescents in Juvenile Detention Centers: Implications for Reentry to School. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 49(8), 551-570. Doi: 10.1080/10509674.2010.519666
  • Trepka, M. J., & Kim, S. (2010). Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus testing and high-risk human immunodeficiency virus behavior among 18 to 22 year-old students and nonstudents: results of the National Survey of Family Growth. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37(10), 653-659. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3181e1a766.


  • Beaulaurier, R. L., Craig, S. L., & De La Rosa, M. (2009). Older Latina women and HIV/AIDS: an examination of sexuality and culture as they relate to risk and protective factors. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 52(1), 48-63. PMID 19197629, PMC 2693918
  • Bohs, R., & Pesantes, E. (2009). You Gotta Know: Spectrum’s peer educators spread the word on prevention. National Council Magazine: Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental and Addiction Disorders, 2, 40-41.
  • De La Rosa, M., Dillon, F. R., Schwartz, S. J., Rojas, P., & Duan, R. (2009). Latina Mother-Daughter Dyads: Relations Between Attachment and Sexual Behavior Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(6),1305-19. doi: 10.007/s10508-009-9498-2. PMID 19399605.
  • Beaulaurier, R. L., Craig, S. L., & De La Rosa, M. (2009) Older Latina Women and HIV/AIDS:An Examination of Sexuality and Culture as they Relate to Risk and Protective Factors. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 52(1), 48-63.
  • Dillon, F. R., Felix-Ortiz, M., Rice, C., De La Rosa, M., Rojas, P., & Duan, R. (2009). Validating the Multidimensional Measure of Cultural Identity Scales for Latinos among Latina mothers and daughters. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15, 191-201. PMCID: 19364206.
  • Lee, M. T., & Martinez, R., Jr.. (2009). Immigration reduces crime: an emerging scholarly consensus. In M. Deflem (Ed.), Immigration, Crime and Justice (Sociology of Crime Law and Deviance, Volume 13 (pp. 3-16). Bingley, UK: Emerald/JAI Press. doi: 10.1108/S1521-6136(2009)0000013004
  • Lewis, J., Miguez-Burbano, M. J., & Malow, R. (2009). HIV risk behavior among college student in the U.S. College Student Journal, 43(2), 475-491.
  • Martinez, R., Jr. (2009). Immigration and Homicide Studies: Guest Editor’s Introduction. Homicide Studies, 13, 207-210. ISSN 1088-7679.
  • Martinez, R., Jr. (2009). Reduce Using Immigration Status to Address Crime. In N. A. Frost, T. R. Clear, & J. D. Freilich (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference, Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth. ISBN-10: 0495911097 ISBN-13: 9780495911098.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Lewis, J., Fishman, J., Asthana, D., & Malow, R. (2009). The influence of different types of alcoholic beverages on disrupting Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) outcome. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 44(4), 366-371. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agp024.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Lewis, J., & Malow, R. (2009). Alcohol and Race/Ethnicity Elicit Different Changes in Lipid Profiles in HIV Infected Individuals Receiving HAART. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 20(3), 176-183.
  • Miguez-Burbano, M. J., Lewis, J., Fishman, J., Asthana, D., & Malow, R. (2009). The role of alcohol on platelets, thymus, and cognitive performance among HIV-infected subjects: are they related? Platelets, 20(4), 260-267.
  • Nielsen, A. L., & Martinez, R., Jr. (2009). The role of immigration for violent deaths. Homicide Studies, 13, 274-287. doi: 10.1177/1088767909337697
  • Prado, G., Huang, S., Schwartz, S., Maldonado-Molina, M., Bandiera, F., De La Rosa, M., & Pantin, H. (2009). What accounts for differences in substance use among U.S. born and immigrant Hispanic adolescents?: results from a longitudinal prospective cohort study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(2), 118-125. PMID 19628137.
  • Rahill, G., Pinto, E., Vanderbiest, A. & Rice, C. (2009). What is Relapse? A contemporary view of treatment for Alcoholism. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 9(2), 245-262.
  • Rojas, P., Kim, S., De La Rosa, M., Hlaing, W. M., & Niyonsenga, T. (2009). Suicide attempts among Latinas who experienced early sex were largely mediated by substance abuse. Florida Public Health Review, 6, 75-84.
  • Stowell, J., & Martinez, R., Jr. (2009). Incorporating ethnic-specific measures of immigration in the study of lethal violence. Homicide Studies, 13, 315-324. doi: 10.1177/1088767909335869.


  • Kim, S., Trepka, M., De La Rosa, M., & Dillon , F. (2008). Role of Place of Residence on Drinking and Driving among Students in a Hispanic Serving University. Florida Public Health Review, 5, 36-46.
  • Hlaing, W. M., & McCoy, H. V. (2008). Differences in HIV-Related Hospitalization among White, Black, and Hispanic Men and Women of Florida. Women & Health, 47(2), 1-18.
  • Pih, K. K., De La Rosa, M., & Rugh, D. (2008) Different Strokes for Different Gangs? An Analysis of Capital among Latino and Asian Gang Members. Sociological Perspective, 51, 3, 274-294.
  • Rahill, G. J., Dawkins, M. P., Rice, C., & Pinto, E. (Accepted, March 2008). HIV and women of color: An evaluation of prevention interventions for Hispanic, African American and Haitian immigrant women in the United States. Florida Education Fund Journal of Interdisciplinary Research.
  • Pinto, E., Rice, C., Weddle, D.O., & Rahill, G. J. (2008). The relationship among cardiovascular risk factors, dietary patterns, alcohol consumption, and ethnicity among women aged 50 years and above. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108, 248-256.
  • Trepka, M. J., Kim, S., Pekovic, V., Zamor, P., Velez, E., & Gabaroni, M. V. (2008). High-risk sexual behavior among students of a minority-serving university in a community with a high HIV/AIDS prevalence. Journal of American College Health. 57(1), 77-84. doi: 10.3200/JACH.57.1.77-84.


  • De La Rosa, M., Rugh, D, & Rice, C. (2007). Understanding Latino Family Attitudes in Relation to Latino Gang Members Substance Abuse: A Content Analysis. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(4), 1-18.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rahill, G. J., Rojas, P., & Pinto, E. (2007). Cultural adaptations in data collection: Field experiences. Journal of Ethnicity and Substance Abuse, 6(2), 163-180.
  • Kim, S., De La Rosa, M., Trepka, M. J., & Kelley, M. (2007). Condom Use among Unmarried Hispanic College Students. AIDS Education and Prevention, 19(5), 450-463.
  • Kim, S., De La Rosa, M., Rice, C. & Delva, J. ( 2007). Prevalence Of Smoking And Drinking Among Older Adults In Seven Cities In Latin America And The Caribbean. Substance use and misuse, 41(9), 1455-1475.
  • Lieb S., Trepka, M. J., Thompson, D., Arons, P., Liberti, T., Maddox, L., Metsch, L., LaLota, M., & Fallon, S. J. (2007). Men who have sex with men: estimated population sizes and mortality rates by race/ethnicity, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 46(7), 485-490.
  • Rice, C. (2007). Retest reliability of self-reported daily drinking: Form 90. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68, 615-618.
  • Trepka, M. J., Zhang, M. J., Leguen, G., Obiaja, K., Malow, R., & De La Rosa, M. (2007), Benefits and adverse effects of hepatitis C screening: early results of a screening program. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(3), 263-269.


  • De La Rosa, M., Rice, C., & Rugh, D (2006) An Analysis of Risk Domains Associated with Drug Transitions of Active Latino Gang Members. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 25, 42.
  • Rice, C. (2006). Misperception of college drinking norms: ethnic/race differences. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 14(4), 17-30.
  • Hlaing, W. M., De La Rosa, M., & Niyonsenga, T. (2006) Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) and substance use risk behaviors among tri-ethnic adolescents in Florida. AIDS Behavior, 11(2), 239-251.
  • Lieb, S., Trepka, M. J., Liberti, T. M., Cohen, L., & Romero, J. (2006). HIV/AIDS patients who move to urban Florida counties following a diagnosis of HIV: predictors and implications for HIV prevention. Journal of Urban Health, 83(6), 1158-1167.
  • Powell, W., Hollis, C., De La Rosa, M., Helitzer, D., & Dekersen, D. (2006). Creating a New Mexico Infrastructure to Build Oral Health Capacity and Reduce Oral Health Disparities among Underserved and Uninsured Populations: An Academic Health Center Response to Community Voices. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17(1), 95-110.
  • Sanchez, J., Chitwood, D. D., & Koo, D. J. (2006). Risk factors associated with the transition from heroin sniffing to heroin injection: a street addict role perspective. Journal of Urban Health, 83(5), 896-910.
  • Trepka, M. J., Bloom, S. A., Zhang, G., Kim, S., & Nobles, R. E. (2006). Inadequate syphilis screening among women with prenatal care in a community with a high syphilis incidence. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 33(11), 670-674.


  • De La Rosa, M., & Rugh, D. (2005). Onset of alcohol and other drug use among Latino gangs members: A preliminary analysis. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 23(2/ 3), 67-85.
  • De La Rosa, M., Holleran, L. & Rugh, D., & Macmaster, S. (2005). Substance Abuse among Latinos: A review of the literature. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 5(1/2), 1-20.
  • De La Rosa, M., & Holleran, L (2005). Substance Abusing Latinos: Current Research on Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment. Binghamton, New York: The Haworth Press.
  • De La Rosa, M., Rugh, D., & Rojas, P. (2005) Substance abuse among Puerto Rican and Dominican gang members in a small city setting. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 5(1/,2), 23-43.
  • Devieux, J., Malow, R., Ergon-Perez, E., Samuels, D., Rojas, P., Khushal, R., & Jean-Gilles, M. (2005). A Comparison of African American and Cuban American Adolescent Juvenile Offenders: Risky Sexual and Drug Behaviors. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 5(1/2), 69-83.
  • Walters, W., Dembo, R., De la Rosa, M., Beaulaurier, R., Chapin, D., Cocozza, J., Poythress, N., & Skowyra, K. (2005). The Miami-Dade Juvenile Assessment Center, National Demonstration Project: An overview. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 41(1), 1-37.


  • Warner, L.A., Valdez, A., Vega, W.A., Canino, G., De La Rosa, M., & Turner, J. (2003). Drug Abuse among Hispanics in the United States: An Epidemiologic Review and Research Agenda. Journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, S8-S16.
  • Brook, D. W., Brook, J. S., Rosen, Z., De La Rosa, M., Montoya, I. D., Whiteman, M. (August 2003). Early Risk factors for violence among Colombian adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 1470-1478.
  • Canino, G., De La Rosa, M., Turner, J., Valdez, A., Vega, W., & Warner, L. (2003) Epidemiology of drug abuse among Hispanics in the United States. In H. Amaro & D. Cortez (Eds), National Strategic Plan on Hispanic Drug Abuse Research: From the Molecule to the Community. Northeastern University Press, Boston, Mass, 25-42.