Rojas, Patria, PhD
Senior Behavioral Health Scientist
PI, Community Partnership/Engagement Core
Tel: (305) 348-7352
Fax: (305) 348-7405
Dr. Rojas is an Associate Research Professor at Florida International University (FIU). She serves as co-Principal Investigator of a three year longitudinal study titled the Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol use among Latino mothers and Daughters (NINR R01) and serves as Co-Principal Investigator of the Community Partnership/Engagement Core of the NIMHD funded C-SALUD Exploratory Center of Excellence (P20). In her role as Health Scientist and Co-PI of two major funded grants, she has been involved in all aspects of project management, data collection, research coordination, analysis, and writing activities in these research studies.
She was the Co-PI and Project Director of a pilot study (R24) examining intergenerational drug use and HIV risk behaviors between Latina mothers and daughters, which served as the rationale and provided the baseline assessment for the current NIH funded three year longitudinal R01.
Prior to working at FIU, Dr. Rojas worked extensively in the areas of HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Disease prevention, and Family Planning. She has coordinated and facilitated HIV/AIDS education programs and family planning, as well as community outreach activities, for homeless, drug users, sex workers and other hard to reach populations in Massachusetts and other northeastern states. Her ability to work with community leaders and others is evidenced by her record of publications and experience in various cities across the United States. Dr. Rojas has co-authored several scientific publications in peer reviewed journals and co-authored chapters in edited books, in addition to making numerous presentations in scientific, peer-reviewed national and international conferences.