Purpose of Meeting:

This meeting was held to welcome new faculty, students, staff, community stakeholders, and other friends of the Center, as well as provide an update on Center activities, Cores, and Studies within the NIMHD 5-year Center of Excellence renewal for Health Disparities Research. The meeting was held in the Graham Center of Florida International University’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus.Click to view Meeting Agenda


Mario De La Rosa, PhD
Director, CRUSADA;
PI, Administrative & Research Cores

Mary Jo Trepka, MD
Associate Professor, Epidemiology;
PI, Research Education & Training Core

Frank R. Dillon, PhD
Assistant Professor, Social Work;
PI, Recent Latina Immigrant Research Subproject;
Co-I, Research Education and Training Core

Patria Rojas, PhD
Senior Behavioral Health Scientist, FIU;
PI, Community Core

Guest Speakers at this event:

Susan J. Rubio Rivera, MSSA
Executive Director MUJER

Michele Ciccazzo, PhD, RD
Interim Dean, Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work
Florida International University

Mary Helen Hayden, Ed.D.
Director, School of Social Work,
Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work
Florida International University

Principal Investigators of the Center presented updates on their Cores and Research Studies. Links to Adobe PDF versions of those presentations are provided below.


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