Think Global Act Local: Best Practices Around the World
APHA’s 141st Annual Meeting and Exposition
November 2-6, 2013
Boston, MA
Annual Meeting & Exposition
The theme of the 2013 the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition is “Think Global Act Local: Best Practices Around the World.” The meeting attracts more than 13,000 national and international physicians, administrators, nurses, educators, researchers, epidemiologists, and related health specialists. APHA’s meeting program addresses current and emerging health science, policy, and practice issues in an effort to prevent disease and promote health. View specific information about the 2013 APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition here.
CRUSADA / C-SALUD Contributions to APHA 2013
CRUSADA / C-SALUD faculty and PhD student trainees have actively participated in this year’s Annual Meeting & Exposition, contributing:
- Five Poster Presentations
- Two Oral Presentations
- One Roundtable Session
APHA Vision and Mission
The vision/mission of APHA is “A healthy global society” and to “Improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status.” View the complete vision/mission here.
Click to view Schedule and Online Program
Oral Presentations
- Presentation Title: Measurement Equivalence of Short Inventory of Problems-revised Across Drug Abusing Adult Outpatient Racial Groups
Session Title: The role of contextual and cultural factors on substance use, violence, and sexual risks
Authors: Mariana Sanchez, PhD; Frank Dillon, PhD; Maritza Concha, PhD; Mario De La Rosa, PhD - Presentation Title: Impact of Religious Coping on the Acculturative Stress and Alcohol Use of Recent Latino Immigrants
Session Title: Statistical Methods in Health Disparities
Authors: Frank Dillon, PhD; Karen Fortuna, MSW
Poster Presentations
- Poster Title: Immigration, Condom Use, and Social Capital Among Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida: A Longitudinal Study
Poster Session: Alcohol, Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Latino Communities
Authors: Elena Cyrus, MPH; Mariana Sanchez, PhD; Patria Rojas, PhD; Mario De La Rosa, PhD - Poster Title: Substance Use and Social Capital among Recent Latino Immigrants in South Florida
Poster Session: Social and Behavioral Epidemiology
Authors: Elena Cyrus, MPH; Mary Jo Trepka, MD, MSPH; Tan Li, PhD; Mario De La Rosa, PhD; Erica Gollub, DrPH; Kristopher P. Fennie, MPH, PhD; Patria Rojas, PhD - Poster Title: AIDS survival among latinos: Disparities by country/region of birth
Poster Session: Alcohol, Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Latino communities
Authors: Diana Sheehan, MPH; Valerie Pelletier, MD, MPH; Mary Jo Trepka, MD, MSPH; Kristopher P. Fennie, MPH, PhD; Lorene Maddox, MPH - Poster Title: Disparities in AIDS survival among US-born and foreign-born non-hispanic black Florida residents, 1996-2004
Poster Session: Social/Behavior Epidemiology and Epidemiology of Health Disparities
Authors: Valerie Pelletier, MD, MPH; Diana Sheehan, MPH; Mary Jo Trepka, MD, MSPH; Kristopher P. Fennie, MPH, PhD; Lorene Maddox, MPH - Poster Title: Latino Southern REACH Project: Lessons learned from community based participatory research (CBPR) to assess HIV/AIDS needs expressed within human rights framework
Poster Session: Lessons Learned from Community-Based Participatory Research Projects
Authors: Jesus Felizzola, MD, MHSA, MA; Serena Rajabiun, MPH, MA; Francisco Sastre, PhD; Sheila McKinney, PhD; Edme Pernia, MA
Roundtable Sessions
- Roundtable Title: Addressing Health Disparities among Latinos: Innovative Academic-community Partnerships
Roundtable Session Title: Innovations in research, interventions, and workforce training with Latino populations
Authors: Patria Rojas, PhD; Karen Fortuna, MSW; Mariana Sanchez, PhD; Mario De La Rosa, PhD; Susan Rubio Rivera, Mujer, Naranja, FL